Welcome to our site

Siddhanta Technology Services came into being in March 2011 with a view to delivering industry approved training & education services in programming languages, hardware-networking & digital communication technology, remote infrastructure management and Internet/World wide Web technologies.We have also expanded ourselves into software & web application development and maintenance services.

What We do

We are into software & web application development and maintenance services.

We also provide training on computer programming languages, hardware & networking, office automation, computer accouting and several other subjects related to computers .

Our Mission

We commit ourselves to build trust and long term relationship with our customers by providing them with the products and services of the highest quality standard.

We assure all our present and prospective clients to provide them with the latest and the finest of the technological services.



Mahavir Mandir,
U.P.College Road,
opp Mahaveer Greens,
Aptech Computer Education premises,
Varanasi- 221002

Tel: 7839075890
Email: siddhantatechnology@gmail.com